Rukia OrihimeRukia Orihime was a Rat Terrier - Chihuahua Mix who was the Sister of LeLouch Lamperouge. She and her brother were pulled from Animal Control into rescue because they were too young to be put on the adoption floor with their parents who were adopted within a few days. A feisty little girl, she loved to wear dog clothing. She loved it so much, in fact, she refused to walk out on her leash without them. It was like that from the very beginning. As a very small puppy she didn't want to walk on the leash, unlike her brother. As a joke, a friend put a very poofy pretty princess tea dress on her. Instantly she walked around on the leash perfectly and instead of ignoring people, she wanted to meet them. Rukia adored getting attention for her clothes from people and other animals. She'd show off, even for cats! Unfortunately for Rukia, she developed Seizures early on in life. They were managed as long as possible. As they got worse she began to suffer neurologically. After she was having several large seizures a day and was clearly suffering both physically and mentally, the decision was made to help her pass and be free from pain. She is and continues to be missed.