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Katherine Ann Marie - Extended Profile
Name – Katherine Ann Marie
Status – Foster – Available for Adoption
Type - Cat
Breed – Ragamuffin
Date of Birth – 14 years
Color – Dilute Tabico
Eyes – Yellow/Green
Ears – Erect
Claws – Clear
Tail – Undocked
Altered - Altered
Distinguishing Marks – None
Allergies – None Known
Crate Trained – Yes
Housebroken – Yes
UTD on Vaccinations – Yes
Rabies – Yes
Microchip – Yes
Dewormed – Yes, Panacure
Flea treatment – Yes, Advantix 2
Heartworm – Negative
Collar Requirements – Standard Collar w/ Bell
Leash Requirements – None, Standard Leash and Harness
Medications – Eye Medication
Overall Physical Health – Health (8) - (1-3= Poor, 4-6 =Fair, 7-8 Good, 9-10 Excellent)
Weight (5) - (1=severely emaciated, 5 – 6 normal, 10 = morbidly obese)
Katherine is of Healthy Weight and Stature of her Body Type. Her only issue is that her eyes run from time to time more so on one eye than the other. This is a common issue among cats that is not contagious to dogs or people. Over 90% - 95% of cats have Feline Herpes. Many are carriers that show no outward signs of infection. Others occasionally develop conjunctivitis that is easily cleared with eye drops and/or routine cleaning. A few will develop more severe issues. Katherine falls in the category that has occasional flare ups. This is NOT a life threatening issue and should not be a concern to an adopter, especially if the house has another feline that either already has it or have had their routine vaccinations without fail or gaps.
Update - 11-01-17 She currently is getting drops in one eye for her swollen inner eyelid, it is improving
Overall Mental Health – Excellent (5) *Based on a 1-5 scale with 1 = Poor and 5 = Excellent
Katherine is in Excellent Mental Health. She is intelligent, independent, and has no issues.
People – Excellent (5) *Based on a 1-5 scale with 1 = Poor and 5 = Excellent
Katherine is wonderful with people. She does not shy away from anyone and loves to get attention from everyone.
Children – Excellent (5) *Based on a 1-5 scale with 1 = Poor and 5 = Excellent
Katherine does very well with children. She adores attention and will always ask for more. Although Katherine is in excellent physical condition, homes that have children who want a cat to play with them or roughhouse should look to a younger more playful and energetic cat.
Dogs – Excellent (5) *Based on a 1-5 scale with 1 = Poor and 5 = Excellent
Katherine has spent a good amount of her living with or being near dogs. She takes no issue with them herself. A family dog that has a high prey drive would not be a good fit for Katherine. Though she can defend herself, she is not of an age where she should have or need to do so. Otherwise a dog of most temperaments would be fine. Breed is not an issue no matter the size or type so long as their prey drive is low.
Cats – Excellent (5) *Based on a 1-5 scale with 1 = Poor and 5 = Excellent
Katherine has always lived with other cats and done well. She would probably very much enjoy being an only or secondary cat (or pet if there is a dog) and the center of attention though, as every queen would.
Pocket Pets – Average (3) *Based on a 1-5 scale with 1 = Poor and 5 = Excellent
Katherine shows average attention to rodentia. ALPRAS does not currently have any pocket pets; however, she did have some contact with a guinea pig in the sanctuary. She essentially showed average interest with mostly observation. Though she has not harmed any smaller animal, to be on the safe side, introductions to these animals should be done carefully and with consideration to both species.
Behavioral Issues – Minimal ( 1 ) *Based on a 1-5 scale with 1 = None and 5 = Many
Katherine does not have any major behavioral issues. Aside from general nuisance behaviors found in any cat, i.e. jumping on tables or countertops that she isn’t supposed to, she is well behaved.
All ALPRAS cats are ‘indoor’ only. A ‘catio’ or screened in area where she could explore the outside safely would be fine for her although she is perfectly happy just being inside and viewing from afar with a nice piece of glass between her and the world.
Energy – Low ( 2 ) *Based on a 1-5 scale with 1 = Low and 5 = High
Katherine is a lower energy level cat. She is much more of a beautiful queenly housecat than anything else. She can be coerced into play on occasion with something like ‘blanket mouse’ or kitty wands, but she truly does prefer to be a queen who gets doted on for everything.
Meowing – Minimal (1) *Based on a 1-5 scale with 1 = Minimal and 5 = Very Often
Katherine is basically a silent cat for the most part. Her meow may come with a whisper when she wants to be petted while sitting next to you. Otherwise she only tends to make noise when being taken somewhere in a cat carrier or right when you are feeding her dinner.
Swimming – Average (3) *Based on a 1-5 scale with 1 = Poor and 5 = Excellent
Katherine can swim when and if she needs to. Here at ALPRAS we teach every animal how to swim. We do this to ensure that if a home has a pool, that they can get out of it. She is happy to hang out with whoever is swimming and even be petted though she is not interested in going in. If there is a pool at the adopter’s home, we recommend ensuring that she knows the exits to the stairs or ledges where she can easily get out should she somehow land in the middle of the water and not near an edge. This is a safety precaution that should be done with every pet in a home with a pool as a rule.
Toys – Average (3) *Based on a 1-5 scale with 1 = Poor and 5 = Excellent
Katherine is mildly interested in toys. She prefers for the most part to play with toys on her own. If it suits her she will carry something she wants from one place to another. (She loves doing this with leaves from plants in the pool ‘catio’ area.) What she most loves as far as interactive objects is scratching posts. Sometimes she will be interested in a kitty wand.
Known Commands:
Sit, Wait, On, Off, Back, Swim, Come(here), Eat, Drink (little only or cats only), Leave It, No(when needed), Yes, Go, Stay, Crate, Stop, Enough, Give Space, Get Out Of That, Go Do Something With Yourself, Don't do it, Back Off, Play, Miss Katherine
Commands Working On -
As with most cats, there are not a whole lot of commands they need or use. Currently there are no new commands she is being trained to know.
Other Notes:
Katherine is like a Queen. She has been doted on by other cats and people love to pet her because she is pretty, and she knows it. Katherine is one of those cats who enjoy being looked at and spending time with someone either next to them or on their lap. She loves being petted and given attention to. This Queen is more than happy to let you know when she wishes to be petted. She will paw gently at your arm and do her virtually silent ‘mew’ if you aren’t paying attention. She likes to be brushed and look pretty. On a side note like many longer haired cats, a silicon or ‘crystal’ type litter would be preferable and easier to keep her clean with or without a ‘sanitary cut’. Despite her royal personality she isn’t really snobby and really does enjoy the company of others. Since she is such a relaxed individual, she can easily fit into most households. Katherine would be happiest not left alone with no people or other pets around. Though she has no issues being alone and shows no anxiety, she has never been truly alone for any real length of time. This girl still has a lot left in her and deserves to have someone dote on her in the manner she is accustomed to.