Its October and one of our favorite times of the year.
From the changing leaves to changing costumes, we love to experience the season in both History and Hauntings! No reason to brave the dark alone on this Hallowed of Months, not when you can have a good friend by your side or one to watch your back. What better friend to have than an adopted pet! We have an adoptable dog on the scene who is an Apparition of Amazing and for Munching Madness, how about a pupdate on a Giant Taco? Whether you like Spine Tingling Scares, Cauldrons of Cuteness, or the Scariest of Sweets, October is the month for them all and more. We have some New 'Mews and Pupdates' and don't forget to check back and see some Howl-o-ween tips, Learn the Legends about Black Cats, and how to prepare for the Wrath of Weather as we post them! Remember, if we don't have the next Magical Member of your family, there are many other little monsters in Shelters and Rescues who could very easily Cast a Spell on your Heart! - ALPRAS Alien Armada |
Halloween Safety
Halloween can be a lot of fun with costumes, decorations, and lets not forget candy! But there can also be a darker side for pets and its our job as their guardians to be their super heroes and protect them from the ghosts, ghouls, goblins and themselves. Take a look at some of these safety tips and be mindful of the hidden hazards that might spook them or the potential poisoned apple. |
Black Cats - Fun Facts!
Black cats get a bad rap. Its true!
Even after centuries of living side by side with them,
there are still people harboring superstitions about these fantastic felines.
So we've put together some Black Cat Facts so a little more
can be learned and understood about these black beauties!
Even after centuries of living side by side with them,
there are still people harboring superstitions about these fantastic felines.
So we've put together some Black Cat Facts so a little more
can be learned and understood about these black beauties!
Taste of the Wild offered some pawsome Autumn Safety Tips,
so we thought we should share them with Everypawdy
in a slideshow and add some adorable pictures too!
It’s the time of year when the scent of pumpkin spice wafts through the air and dogs are wont to roll in piles of crispy leaves. It’s also a great time to protect the safety and well-being of your pet from potential seasonal dangers. Here are ten items that should be on your radar:
Featured Dog of the Month
Hi! My name is Roman.
I am an American Stafforshire Terrier who is looking for someone who is fun, active, and a strong experienced pack leader. I am a big happy boy who loves to play and cuddle. If you like spoiling a pup with toys, I want in! I love playing with toys and they say I am very silly. When it comes to cuddling, I can be the big or little spoon as long as I can be close to you. (I might be a bit of a bed hog...but you wouldn't mind that, would you?) People are awesome and I love them, even kids, but since I'm so big they say older kids are better friends to play with. Though I like other dogs, I'm probably best in a home as an only pup or in a home that has small dogs. I'm also good with dog savvy cats...I know they are higher on the pack totem pole than me......they said so. I have a ton of potential and they say I'm a super good boy, even if I can be a little hard headed sometimes. If you are looking for an active cuddlebug who is super silly too, I might be the most pawsome fit for you! |
Recent Adoptions!
Dumbledorf - Adopted 03-11-2019
Dumbledorf, a Seal Point Dumbo Rat, came into the rescue when his caretaker didn't have the time or resources needed to devote to him. He was originally rescued from the pet store by an employee when he was being rejected by his parent, other siblings, and was injured. He needed to be kept separate which made him have a higher affinity and reliance on humans rather than the social structures of rats. Dumbo Rats are highly sociable and usually gotten in pairs. Now adopted, he is a very happy rat and lives in a huge cage with a Wheel, Bed, Hammock, Ramps, things to chew on and rearrange so he is very busy!
Spock - Adopted August 8, 2018
New Pupdate - September 22, 2019
My Pupdate for 2019 With some new pictures!
They are still doing wonderful. Spock is the best dog I've ever had! He is eating wonderfully and put on some weight he's now 110 lbs. His allergies are much better and we bathe him weekly with a Medicated shampoo. His itching and chewing is almost gone and he has no more bare spots! The vet is so happy and his tremors have almost stopped. Spock wrestles with Herschel and plays all day long. They love each other so much and Spock is protective of Herschel. If a visitor dog comes and he try's to take a toy from Herschel Spock goes and stands next to him it's so cute. - Vickie (2019)
Spock - See some of my pictures from last year on the Success Stories page!
Spock - See some of my pictures from last year on the Success Stories page!

We've just had a big move to the West Coast of Florida! Though we won't be on the South East Coast, we will still adopt out to both coasts and central Florida. This move will have a lot of impact on us as we will have to begin from the ground up in our local area. We know this will take some time and will be tough in the beginning as we reorganize our personal lives.
Due to this we will not be currently bringing in more animals (unless its an emergency we run into) until we have the capability to have the time, space funding, and foster homes available. We will never stop being committed to the animals we have in the Rescue and Sanctuary and will continue to support animals in whatever way we can during this time period. Thank you all for your continued support, it means so much to us and we are eternally grateful.
Due to this we will not be currently bringing in more animals (unless its an emergency we run into) until we have the capability to have the time, space funding, and foster homes available. We will never stop being committed to the animals we have in the Rescue and Sanctuary and will continue to support animals in whatever way we can during this time period. Thank you all for your continued support, it means so much to us and we are eternally grateful.
Pet in Need
Jack Sparrow, a Sanctuary, cat needs you! - Current Need: Dental Work
Saying our Goodbyes,
Recently Added Memorials
Minaj, a cat adopted from us 6 years ago, passed away in early February due to full renal failure. She was humanly euthanized with family holding her and present.
Minaj was a sweet cat who would have been considered an F3 feral cat. This means that she would allow herself to be pet sometimes, on vary rare occasion jump on a lap, but remained mostly skittish cat who avoided general human contact. Like many semi-feral cats, Minaj was happier being a beautiful piece of artwork in a window or on a shelf than having full human interaction. She will be fondly remembered whenever the sun is just right for a kitty to sunbathe and show off silky, shiny black fur coating a purring beauty. |